Team Vesting Plan Guide

The Team Vesting System is an essential protocol that helps project owners establish trust and credibility with investors. With this system, project owners are required to lock their team tokens for a specific period of time. This feature ensures that there are no unlocked team tokens, which could lead to a rug pull, resulting in scam projects withdrawing and selling unlocked tokens immediately after the listing. To utilize this feature, the following steps should be followed.

Step 1: Creating the Lock

First, connect your wallet, then go to Input your token or LP token address, followed by the token owner address, where the unlocked tokens will be sent. Enter the title of this lock, for example, "MetaGold Team Vesting," and the total amount of team vesting tokens to be allocated through time. Please note that only numbers, not percentages, should be entered.

Step 2: Inputting details

Check the "use vesting" checkbox and input the token generation event (TGE) Date, which should be the listing time. Next, input the TGE (percent), which is the first batch of team tokens to be released, expressed as a percentage, not the number of tokens. The Cycle (days) should indicate how long it takes between each batch of vested tokens that will be released, and the Cycle Release (percent) indicates how many tokens will be released each cycle following the First Token Release batch. Note that the Cycle Release is also expressed in percentage, not the number of tokens.

Step 3: Approve and Submit

Once all the necessary information has been entered and verified, you can click submit. Please note: vesting does not support rebase tokens. Project owners can unlock their vested tokens by clicking on the "Unlock" button when each vesting cycle ends.

Last updated