TrustLaunch Trending

TrustLaunch has a voting system in place to determine which projects trend on our platform. Every holder of TrustLaunch Coin can cast votes, and each $100 worth of the token counts as 1 vote. For example, if someone holds $10,000 worth of TrustLaunch Coin, they have 100 votes.

The trending bar is controlled by a smart algorithm that has been designed to keep the process fair and to remove projects that try to manipulate the system. Some of the factors that influence a project's trending status are:

  • Votes: By holding TrusLaunch token, you can vote on quality of the projects.

  • Trust Tag: When you lock liquidity for 10+ years

  • Buy volume: the more buy volume a project has, the higher it will trend.

  • KYC + Audit: projects with KYC and Audit badges will have a higher priority over those without these badges.

  • SAFU: projects with SAFU badges will receive the highest priority for trending.

  • DOXX: projects with the DOXX badge will receive additional points towards trending.

To increase a project's chances of trending, it's best to combine the above factors. However, no guarantees can be made as the algorithm will assess the popularity of the project and adjust its trending status accordingly.

It is strongly advised that project owners do not pay external parties for "TrustLaunch Trending" services, as these are likely scams. Our smart algorithm will detect fraudulent trending behaviors and blacklist

Last updated